Sunday, August 19, 2012

One Thing To Do and Coming Attractions

I've been slowly accumulating songs for another album in the 3ish years since I released The Cheese Stands Alone, but the results of an impromptu poll on Facebook favor more frequent shorter EP releases rather than less frequent full-length collections.

With that in mind, I'm planning on posting a 5-song EP/mini-album to the Gedankenband Bandcamp site in a month or so. The current title (and probably the final title) is "Not For Having, But For Tasting" and the currently planned songs are:

1. Good Luck With The Woman Of Your Dreams
2. Another Life
3. Amity Hall
4. Put Down Your Guard
5. One Thing To Do

One of these songs, Good Luck With (etc.) has already appeared here in demo form. And to bookend things in a way, here's an old four-track version of One Thing To Do.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Upcoming Release: Men Are From Mars

In pseudo-commemoration of the landing of the Mars Science Laboratory, the Gedankenband and I are happy to announce the release of our latest single: "Men Are From Mars", with the B-side "Wrong Place, Wrong Time". It's available here at our Bandcamp site, for a price you can choose yourself!

Thank you for your support!  Or your interest!  Or, whatever it is you're doing here.